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Erasmus+ 2021 – 2027


Erasmus+ is the EU programme for education, youth and sport until 2027. The EU Commission has appointed the Conservatorio of Music “Claudio Monteverdi” as a member of the Erasmus+ University Charter (ECHE) for the period 2022-2027. This guarantees that our higher education institution meets all the requirements for successful participation in the Erasmus+ programme and is entitled to participate in all activities under the new EU Erasmus+ programme, as well as e.g. student mobility and teacher mobility in the form of a teaching visit or professional development activity.

Erasmus Code for the “Claudio Monteverdi” Music Conservatory of Bolzano: I BOLZANO 02

Erasmus+ promotes equal opportunities and inclusion, making it easier for students from disadvantaged backgrounds and with special needs to access the programme. Below we list the current Erasmus+ partner institutions of our Conservatory:

AUSTRIAUniversität Mozarteum SALZBURG
Universität für Musik GRAZ
“A. Bruckner” Privatuniversität für Musik LINZ
Universität für Musik WIEN
Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität der Stadt WIEN
Vorarlberger Landeskonservatorium FELDKIRCH
BULGARIANational Academy of Music SOFIA
ESTONIA Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre TALLINN
GREAT BRITAIN Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance LONDON
FINLANDSavonia University of Applied Sciences KUOPIO
GERMANYMusikhochschule DETMOLD
Universität der Künste ESSEN

Hochschule für Musik Freiburg i.Br.
Hochschule für Musik HAMBURG
Universität für Musik HANNOVER
Hochschule für Musik KARLSRUHE
Hochschule für Musik MÜNCHEN
Carl von Ossietzky Universität OLDENBURG
Hochschule für Musik SAARBRÜCKEN
Staatliche Hochschule für Musik STUTTGART

Hochschule für Musik “Franz Liszt” WEIMAR
ISLAND Iceland Academy of the Arts REYKJAVÍK
NORWAYNorwegian Academy of Music OSLO
Akademia Muzyczna KATOWICE
Akademia Muzyczna KRAKÓW
Akademia Muzyczna POZNAN
PORTUGALAcademia nacional superior de orquestra LISSABON
ROMANIAUniversitatea de Arte “George Enescu” din IASI
SPAINConservatorio “Óscar Esplá” ALICANTE
Conservatorio de CANARIAS
Conservatorio “Salvador Segui” CASTELLÓN
Conservatorio “Victoria Eugenia” GRANADA
Conservatorio “Manuel Massotti Littel” MURCIA
Musikene Higher Music School in SAN SEBASTIAN
Conservatorio “Manuel Castillo” SEVILLA
Conservatorio “Joaquin Rodrigo” VALENCIA
Conservatorio de VIGO
Conservatorio de Aragón ZARAGOZA
SWEDENKMH (Königliche Musik-Hochschule) STOCKHOLM
TURKEYH.Ü. State Conservatory ANKARA
Halic University ISTANBUL


With Erasmus+ students can spend up to twelve months per study cycle at a partner university in another European country. Earned credits are recognized at the home university.

Promoting language competence and language acquisition is an important objective of the European Union’s education programme Erasmus+.

Erasmus+ supports student mobilities in acquiring and improving their working and/or national language. The Online Language Support (OLS) system includes both a language test (before and after a mobility) and a language course.


There are opportunities for university teaching staff to receive a guest lectureship abroad with Erasmus+.

Erasmus+ supports visiting professorships at higher education institutions that are European partner in Erasmus+ Programme Countries and in Partner Countries that have a valid Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE). Through their stay, guest lecturers should strengthen the European dimension of the host university, complement its teaching offer and impart their expertise to students who do not want to or cannot study abroad. Where possible, the development of joint study programmes between the partner universities should play a role in this, as should the exchange of teaching content and methods.
Teaching stays within Europe last between two days and two months (in each case excluding travel time). The teaching load is at least eight hours per stay or per week or part of the stay.

Higher Education (teaching staff) | Erasmus+ (