The “Claudio Monteverdi” Conservatoire of Music in Bolzano/Bozen is proud to participate in the PhD course of national interest in “Artistic Research on Musical Heritage” financed by the Ministry of University and Research and the European Union through the Next Generation EU project, which addresses the topic of research in the field of higher education in art and music with multidisciplinary and innovative approaches, capable of responding to the current needs for knowledge, protection and enhancement of musical heritage.
In particular, the following are offered based in Bolzano:
- 2 doctoral scholarships related to the curriculum SOUND CREATIVE ARTS (ACS);
- 2 doctoral scholarships in collaboration with the Haydn Foundation of Bolzano and Trento relating to the PERFORMANCE & AUDIENCE (PAU) curriculum.
You will find all specific information in the call for applications.
Dates and essential costs
a) Application cost: euro 30.00
b) Application deadline: 2 September 2024, 12 noon.
c) In-person interviews: 10-14 September
d) Enrolment: 18 September
e) Application cost: 350.00 euro
For informations write to:
31.07.2024 Announcement Prot. 4976/did (deadline: 2 September at 12:00)
Notice of open competition for admission to the PhD course of national interest artistic research on musical heritage. For details see the announcement:
Regulations (currently only available in italian):